I’m not very bendy – is yoga really right for me?

There’s a common misconception that you need to be ‘bendy’ to do yoga. In fact, the opposite is true. If you’re not very flexible, you really need to do yoga! Yoga will help relieve stiffness in your muscles and, with regular practice, you’ll find your range of mobility really improves.

All bodies are different and I make sure I offer modifications that make yoga accessible to as many people as possible.  If you have a specific mobility issue, please call me to discuss before coming to class.

I can’t make one of my classes. Can I swap to another day?

If you can’t make one of your regular classes, it’s fine to swap to a different day as long as I have space for you.  Please call beforehand to check – this is important as space is more limited now that I am following COVID protocols.

All class swaps need to take place in the same term – I’m afraid I can’t carry over missed classes into future terms as it gets far too complicated!

I’ve never been to a yoga class before. What does it involve?

There’s a big focus on breathing and relaxation in my classes.  By relaxing your mind and body, you will be able to release more fully into the physical poses and gain maximum benefit.  So we’ll start with about 5 – 10 minutes focusing on deepening your breath and end with about 15 minutes of relaxation (everyone’s favourite part!).

The physical part of the class will start with gentle warm ups for key joints such as your spine, neck, knees and hips.  We’ll then work through stronger poses that focus on your core, balance, stability and strength.

I encourage a friendly, supportive atmosphere which is non-competitive and relaxed.

What should I bring?

I usually lend yoga mats to my students but during the period of the pandemic, this is not possible. So please bring your own mat. We will not be sharing equipment during the class so you may also want to bring some yoga blocks which help make poses more accessible. They also improve your alignment.

Because you’ll be lying on the floor for relaxation, it’s lovely to wrap up in a warm blanket, particularly on cold days, so remember to bring one to class.

What do I wear?

Don’t worry about any special ‘yoga-gear’.  All you need is loose clothing such as a t-shirt and leggings and a top layer to put on during relaxation.  It’s important you feel comfortable and warm.